Many of us know that buying at retail prices can get pretty expensive and sometimes it can be difficult to know when to buy full priced retail and when not too. Things that can dictate weather or not a consumer will buy at the full retail price are trends, fads, and even your friends. What happens when at the end of the season the $200 pair of shoes you bought are no longer trendy? You are stuck with an ugly pair of really expensive shoes that you wouldn't want anyone to know that you still own! I've come up with a few tips of my own to share so that this doesn't happen to anyone out there again.
1. Do Research- Get online and look up the piece or style that is trending for that season and see what fashion experts in the industry are saying about it. Will it be around to stay or will it flop? There are people paid really well in the fashion industry to predict styles and trends and their opinions wouldn't lead you astray.
2. Think about if what you are about to spend big bucks on could be an essential piece in your wardrobe.- Is it versatile? Can it be worn from season to season? Could you see yourself purchasing it again?
and Lastly
3. Really ask yourself why do you want to purchase this piece.- Is it because you love it and you cant live without it? If this is the case then it doesn't really matter what experts have to say about the life of the piece. Or are you only wanting to purchase this piece because its what all of your friends are buying.
I hope this is helpful to anyone out there reading this!
Good luck and Happy Styling.
XoXo, Nik
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